Monday, July 18, 2011

Just a Tad Bored

My computer is being a pain right now, transferring around 50 gigs in music and movies onto the external for a friend so everything is painfully slow. I may as well blog about something xD My summer travel plans are all set, I'm going to Ithaca for 2 days on the 29th and on August 2nd, I'm flying to London. I'm going to spend a few days there before taking the train to Paris. Spend a while there and then fly to Vienna. I'm really excited about London and Paris, I haven't been to London since I was little and I've only ever been to Nice so Paris should be nice (: Not sure what I want to see yet, I'm definitely staying away from the touristy places, I can't stand crowds or looking like an idiot staring at a building with 50 other excited idiots. As for Vienna, I'm stoked. My whole family is there and I haven't seen them in 2 years. I have 2 cousins turning 1 and Bastian just finished his first year of school. I miss my family so much! It's always an amazing feeling to go home. After a month of reuniting, I'll be back in Philly for a week to take care of personal matters and then I'll be heading to the Gold Coast to spend time with my father and from there, Sydney, where I'll hopefully have some time to settle down. I'm a bit nervous/ anxious/ excited. My room is empty, as is the rest of the house. My life is packed into boxes ready to be shipped out. It's all happening so fast yet time is passing so slowly. I guess I'm ranting but it's scary leaving behind everything and everyone. But in the words of my wise and amazing best friend "Change can be good... Who knows, maybe you'll meet a rich hot 17 year old male in the next 6 months who will become your future husband. He'll be smart funny and kind and he will love the crap out of you while helping you travel all across Europe with his loads of cash and weed." She just better be right :)

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